Colleagues working in laboratory

Stoffenmanager® Fieldlab – contribute with your knowledge!

You estimate the exposure of substance X when pipetting in a fume cupboard. To your surprise the outcome is not safe. Or you want to estimate the exposure to respirable dust and quartz when dumping powders but Stoffenmanager® only gives the concentration of the inhalable dust. Do you encounter this too? Stoffenmanager® is continuously working on more detailed data to further reduce the risks of working with dangerous substances for our customers. And we need your knowledge and expertise to do so!

We started two projects with our community Stoffenmanager® Fieldlab to further develop the underlying Stoffenmanager® calculation rules. What will we do?

Project 1: development of calculation rules

Early 2021 Cosanta/Stoffenmanager® started a 2-year research project together with IFA/GESTIS - Stoffenmanager® and co-financed by the German DGUV fund. The aim is to generate as much data as possible to further develop calculation rules for validated quantitative exposure to:

  1. Respirable dust and respirable quartz for operations with dusty products.
  2. Respirable dust for machining operations in the metal industry.
  3. Respirable quartz for machining operations in the construction industry.

Project 2: Expanding the number of source measures

Related to the first project, the Stoffenmanager® International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) started a project in which we will also expand the number of source measures. We have made a productive start and have expanded our database from 5 to 10 source measures and their reduction factors. But of course, we want to collect even more data to provide more accurate source measures specifically for companies working with smaller quantities and substances with very low limit values.

Contribute to our community-based innovation projects and become part of Stoffenmanager® Fieldlab! You can apply via: or We will contact you as soon as possible.

Your participation is valuable

Both projects require measurement data to validate/calibrate the calculation rules. Partners from various countries have already made measurement data available and a start has also been made in the Netherlands. But to make this innovation leap, more Dutch measurement reports with sufficient contextual information are needed. Therefore, your data contribution to this development is extremely valuable!

Of course, your data will be processed anonymously, and you can decide on the extent of your involvement.

A) Do you have little time? You share the measurement reports with us. We code the data and do the rest. We will only contact you if anything is unclear.

B)  Would you like to be more involved in the research project? We share the "Stoffenmanager® data collection sheet for validation" xls with you. After an instruction you code the data and send the reports with the xls to us. We will then independently code the reports and discuss the results with you. This gives you more background knowledge about the ins and outs of the process.     

What happens to your data?

The calculation rules are available in both the free basic license and the more extensive paid licenses. All license types can be found on Twice a year we organize the Stoffenmanager® Fieldlab brainstorm event, where we continue to build on innovation together with our participating customers.   

Participation and contact

For participation or more information please contact or